MG Wing Zero Custom ver. Ka "Nyx"

Created by Lupes

This model was completed in January of 2021

I got really in to Supergiant Games’ Hades last year, right when Bandai released the excellent “ver. Ka” update to the Wing Zero Custom (or is it called Wing Zero EW now?). My first thought was to paint the kit in a modified “Wing Zero Rebellion” colorscheme with the gold swapped for silver and the reds swapped for blues but somewhere around my tenth run through Hades’ domain, my partner tossed out an idea:
”What if you painted the underside of the wings like the nebula under Nyx’s hair?”
I was immediately in love with the idea. I had no idea how to do it, but I was infatuated. We sat together, staring at the in-game images of Nyx and plotted out how we’d incorporate her design and motifs in to a build.

Nyx, from **Hades**

We tried to capture as much of her essence as we could in the model, taking note of details like the glove on her left hand, her necklace, and crown and working them in to the color layout of the model. I really love the asymmetry in her design and really wanted to bring those details over to my build!

I used a fun mix of blues and purples on this kit, mixing in white paint to shift the tones in some sections to give the kit more depth. In the end, I wound up using the following paints for this build:

  • Internal frame painted with GaiaNotes NP005 NAZCA Mechanical Surfacer Super Heavy

  • Blue/Purple armor parts primed with GaiaNotes GS-08 Surfacer EVO Sky Blue

  • White/Black armor parts primed with GaiaNotes NP002 Mechanical Surfacer Light

  • Black armor parts+Wings exterior painted with GaiaNotes NAZCA NC-002 Frost Mat Black

  • Preshade on white armor parts done with GaiaNotes NAZCA NC-006 Blue Fog White

  • White Armor parts painted with GaiaNotes NAZCA NC-001 Steel White

  • Preshade on violet+purple armor parts done with GaiaNotes NP005 NAZCA Mechanical Surfacer Super Heavy

  • Violet armor parts painted with GaiaNotes NAZCA NC-009 Cobalt Violet

  • Purple armor parts painted with GaiaNotes 017 Purple Violet

  • Gold armor parts+details painted with GaiaNotes 010 Bright Gold

  • Red detail painted with Mr. Color C-158 Super Italian Red

  • Eye detail painted with GaiaNotes 005 Sunshine Yellow

  • Metallic purple detail painted with Mr. Metallic Color GX 207 GX Metal Violet

  • Topcoat done with GaiaNotes 030 Semi-Gloss Clear for the armor+wing exterior and Mr. Color GX-114 Super Smooth Clear for the white parts

The most difficult thing to do on this build was the nebula on the underside of the wings- I didn’t even know where to start with this technique! Luckily, twitter user R19638194 has been doing more than a few outstanding builds doing something similar and even shared a tutorial that I was able to follow and modify for my own purposes. I used the following paints for the wings:

  • Base coat using GaiaNotes 032 Ultimate Black

  • Layered Mr. Metallic Color GX 207 GX Metal Violet, Mr. Metallic Color GX 216 Dark Metal Blue, and Mr. Metallic Color GX 206 GX Metal Purple on top of one another

  • Stars dotted on via paintbrush using GaiaNotes 001 Pure White and GaiaNotes 025 Orange Yellow

  • ‘Glow’ given to the dotted stars by mixing GaiaNotes 007 Clear and GaiaNotes 001 Pure White (2:1) and spraying around the dotted star

  • Wing interior topcoated with Mr. Color GX-112 Super Smooth Clear III

This version of Wing Zero has my favorite wings to date- in addition to adding a place to store the Twin Buster Rifle (which also had a folding gimmick added to it), the new detail on the interior of the wings looks fantastic and gives a nice feeling to the underside. The changes to the smaller wings are excellent too, with spacing between each of the feathers (versus how those parts were simply one piece in the past) it gives them a much more ‘angelic’ feeling. I think even the feathers on the ends of the wings were redesigned, but don’t quote me on that. They have a much less stiff feel to them on this outing and the complete package is really a sight to behold.

I have more kits planned out themed after various members of the Hades cast, and the majority of them are all already in my possession waiting to be built. I have plenty of fancy details thought out for each kit, so I really can’t wait to get started on creating this neat little gunpla display piece! Please look forward to seeing WIPs for the rest of the gang and watching as the House of Hades gets more and more residents!

‘Til next time!